Biographical information
Feldman Naum Ilich
Naum Ilich Feldman (November 26, 1918 - April 20, 1994).
Vinogradov Askold Ivanovich
Famous Leningrad / Petersburg mathematician
Askold Ivanovich Vinogradov (October 1, 1929 - January 1, 2006)
worked for more than half a century in the Leningrad / Petersburg
department of Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova
and is the author of numerous works on analytical
number theory. The classical Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem
can be found in any textbook on number theory.
Malyshev Alexander Vasilievich
Alexander Vasilievich Malyshev (November 17, 1928 - May 10, 1993) -
senior specialist in number theory, leading researcher
St. Petersburg department of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova,
professor of department of higher algebra and number theory St. Petersburg State
university, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, one of the initiators of
and the first editor of LOMI Scientific Seminar Notes.
A. V. Malyshev - scientist and teacher
Skubenko Boris Faddeevich
Boris Faddeevich Skubenko (February 8, 1929 - July 5, 1993) -
prominent specialist in number theory, leading researcher
St. Petersburg department of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, winner of the A. A. Markov prize.